
"The Workflow Systems and Technology (WST) research group primarily focuses on process mining, which is the analysis of organizational processes based on data generated during their execution. In this context, the areas of interest of WST members include (but are not limited to):

  • Semantics-aware process mining
  • Business process simulation
  • Studying process change and dynamics
  • Predictive process monitoring
  • Visualization of process analysis insights,
  • Responsible process mining

The analysis techniques we develop are versatile and can be applied to a wide variety of domains, including processes found in commercial enterprises, such as the production of goods or the handling of customer orders, public administration, such as permit-request management, and healthcare settings, where the focus is on the analysis of treatment processes."


Team of research group WST

Publications of research group WST

Projects of research group WST


„Mit Planspielen können Organisationen Krisenfälle simulieren und sich somit effektiv auf den Ernstfall vorbereiten.“


Prof. Maria Leitner im Publikumsgespräch des Report Verlages zum Thema "Cybersicherheit im Krisenfall" basierend auf dem Cyber Security Report von deloitte.

Nachbericht: Cybersicherheit im Krisenfall auf nachlesen:


Die besten Statements im Kurz-Zusammenschnitt:

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