
"The Workflow Systems and Technology (WST) research group primarily focuses on process mining, which is the analysis of organizational processes based on data generated during their execution. In this context, the areas of interest of WST members include (but are not limited to):

  • Semantics-aware process mining
  • Business process simulation
  • Studying process change and dynamics
  • Predictive process monitoring
  • Visualization of process analysis insights,
  • Responsible process mining

The analysis techniques we develop are versatile and can be applied to a wide variety of domains, including processes found in commercial enterprises, such as the production of goods or the handling of customer orders, public administration, such as permit-request management, and healthcare settings, where the focus is on the analysis of treatment processes."


Team of research group WST

Publications of research group WST

Projects of research group WST


Best Paper and Runner-up Best Paper Awards at ICPM 2024


October 2024: Han van der Aa, together with his collaborators, has received both the Best Paper and Runner-up Best Paper Awards at the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2024)!

The Best Paper Award went to work conducted together with Lukas Kirchdorfer, Robert Blümel, Timotheus Kampik, and Heiner Stuckenschmidt, which provides a great example of a successful collaboration between industry (SAP Signavio) and academia. The paper, "AgentSimulator: An Agent-based Approach for Data-driven Business Process Simulation", shifts the focus of process simulation from a control-flow-first to a resource-first perspective. By modeling distinct resource behaviors and interactions, our AgentSimulator captures the decentralized decision-making of real-world processes:

The Runner-up Best Paper Award went to work conducted together with Thomas Grisold, Sandro Franzoi, Sophie Hartl, Jan Mendling, and Jan vom Brocke, with researchers from the information systems and process mining communities joining hands. In the paper, "A Context Framework for Sense-making of Process Mining Results", we propose a framework that supports analysts in gaining an understanding of the contextual factors that are behind the process mining results they obtain, guiding them towards further analysis questions, both within and beyond their event data: